Hello Latrobe Little Leaguers,
Registration is now open for Majors, Minors and Rookies Divisions. Please go to latrobelittleleague.org to complete your registration. Rookies are for ages 6 & 7. Minors are for ages 8 & 9. Majors are 10, 11 & 12 year olds. Any 10 & 11 year olds not drafted to the Majors will be moved to the Minors Division after the draft.
This year Latrobe Little League is partnering with Latrobe Parks and Recreation to have T-Ball (ages 4 & 5). The details will be released soon on the T-Ball registration. Also there has been a new rule for the 4-7 year olds on registration:
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Regulation II: Updates made to Regulation II to reflect that starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the program (League Age 4-7) will have the ability to register for any program or league they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to
participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.
Additional information regarding this change may be found at
Is a younger sibling (League Age 4-7) of a current player in a league still able to utilize league choice ? If so, can the older sibling(s) follow the younger sibling for participation ?
Yes. League Choice is specific to league age children 4-7 without regard to residence or school eligibility, essentially allowing them the opportunity to select the local league of their choice. Also, the older sibling(s) of a child league age 4-7 electing to participate in a league by choice are eligible to follow the younger sibling while having full participation eligibility.
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. Looking forward to another great season at Latrobe Little League !
Thank you,
John M. Russo
Latrobe Little League
District 26 ADA