News Detail


Jul, 2024


Hello Latrobe Little Leaguers,

     Managers for Rookies, Minors and Majors are collecting the names of players for fall ball. There is no fee for fall ball and it is a relaxed environment. If you can make it, great and if you cannot that is okay. There will not be new shirts or hats ordered. Fall Ball will start last week of August and run until first week of October. If your manager has not asked you, then you need to tell your manager that your player is interested. 

     Majors Division will be joining West Point with games played at both fields. This will allow for more baseball against different competition. For the Majors, we will move 9, 10 and 11 year old players from the Minors into the Majors. Players will play 2 or 3 games week, so more baseball !

     Minors Division will be 8 year olds and 7 year olds from Rookies will move up. Rookies will keep 6 year olds and any 7 year olds that wish to stay in that division. Let your manager know what your player will do. 

     The 12 Year Olds will have to play fall ball at Teener League and their division will be 12,13 & 14 year olds only.  Contact Tom Batcho at 724-972-5624 if you want to signup, as Teener League is still taking registrations. If you need a form, let me know and I will email you one.

Let me know if your manager has not contacted you on fall ball, so I can follow up with them.

If you have any questions, then send me an email at [email protected].

Thank you,
John M Russo
Latrobe Little League President
District 26 ADA

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