News Detail


Jun, 2024

Derry Boundary Concerns

Hello Latrobe Little Leaguers,

     Several parents have reached out to me concerning Derry trying to reclaim their boundaries. Latrobe Little League expanded our boundaries as per Little League International's Rules about 5 or 6 years ago. We followed the proper procedure in acquiring their boundaries as they left Little League International over 10 years ago. As per Little League International, Derry can not get their boundaries back unless Latrobe Little League relinquishes the boundary back to them. Our board has voted twice on this matter and the board unanimously voted no both times. Please do not worry about your players having to go back to Derry as they are Latrobe Little Leaguers until they are 13 years old. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me. 

Thank you,
John Russo
Latrobe Little League

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